Day: September 26, 2019

Day: September 26, 2019

What To Consider When Buying A Dog Kennel

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.17.5″] When you decide to invest in a dog kennel, just like you do when you’re buying a new home for yourself,

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Building A Dog Run

Running around and playing in the great outdoors is an essential part of any healthy and happy dog’s life. However, if you decide, for whatever

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Insulated Dog Kennel

The benefits of an insulated dog kennel When you buy a kennel for your dog you want them to feel safe and secure inside their

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Microchipping Your Dog

Microchipping your dog is now legal in Ireland Thousands of pets are either stolen or go missing in Ireland each year, with less than half

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