Microchipping Your Dog

Microchipping your dog is now legal in Ireland

Thousands of pets are either stolen or go missing in Ireland each year, with less than half being reunited with their owners. Under Irish law, from March 31st 2016, it is now a legal requirement for all dogs to be microchipped and registered. Here’s everything you need to know.

What is Microchipping?

We all know that microchipping is the best way for pinpointing your dog’s exact loaction when they go missing. It is a small electronic device with a 15 digit code, about the size of a large grain of rice, that is injected into the dog’s skin at the back of its neck, but, did you know this could be the difference between finding your pet to losing them forever.

Why register your dog?

Under the new legislation, when your dog is implanted with a microchip it is vital that you register their details such as name, home address and phone number on a government-approved database.This is to identify dogs that go missing which can then detect who their owners are, and so it is compulsory to make sure your dog’s details are up-to-date. According to the Irish Statute Book;

“A dog must be microchipped and registered by implanting a microchip that is suitable for the internal use in the body of an animal which apply to all dogs from 31 March 2016.”

At Slaneyside Kennel Solutions, we believe that dog owners should never have to go through the heartache of searching for their pets when they go missing. We offer GPS tracking devices that are designed to help you pinpoint your dog’s exact location by sending a signal to your handheld device.


If you would like more information on how to register your dog before March 31st 2016 then you need to visit fido.ie. If you would like to purchase our GPS tracking device, then please contact Donal Kehoe at [email protected] or phone: 053-93-88567 / Mobile: 0877959550


DSPCA http://www.dspca.ie/microchipping

Fido https://www.fido.ie/ad-regpet.jsp

Irish Statute Book http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2015/si/63/made/en/pdf

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